I have to admit as in any loving relationship there are times when I could lovingly strangle Alex. I say that because he is the most straight-ahead; keep it simple, right to the point person I know. I will dance around the edges, sugar coat, or just talk past the point sometimes, but his thinking is pure and clarifying. So pure and so clear that sometimes you just don’t want to hear it…

Is this getting you where you want to be?

I bring up the strangling because recently I was working on a business project and priding myself on all the work I had done and he asked the clarifying question “But is this getting you to where you want to be?” First came the strangling desire and then the stepping back. However, once I stopped and really asked myself the question he had asked; I had to admit that yes I had been working but was it work that advanced my stated goal?

Grudgingly I sat myself down and planned out where I wanted to go and the things I needed to do to work backwards to get there. I have to admit the mere act of writing it down caused me to get beyond the “ideas floating in the air” stage and helped me come up with ideas I had not considered and bench marks I could use to gauge just how close I was getting to my stated goal. I also had to admit that a lot of the work I had done was stuff I liked doing but was way ahead of target in terms of my desired goal.

Write the vision to make it plain

Looking back it came to me just how often we give ourselves permission to count things that do not advance the goals we have stated. Or, how we resist having to write it down because then we have to get beyond the general and down to the specific which holds us accountable to ourselves.

Forget the rest of the world, you are the only one that counts because you are the rudder that stirs the ship and others are simply for the most part disinterested interested observers in the drama. By all means listen to the opinions of others but the ultimate decision is yours and yours alone because you are the one carrying the weight.

Directed focus translated into directed action

And so I return to one of the primary points of directed focus: Every time you make a decision, immediately follow it up with action. Not just meaningless action, but take a moment and really think about where you want to go in relation to that decision and write down steps you can take to get you there. They can be big steps or small steps but required steps that provide direction. Then take action to jump start your goals.
This blue print will help to keep you physically and mentally on point because there is always the tendency to stray off target. Writing it down provides something firm to refer back to and demands an adequate explanation and thinking through why you need to change it.

That said, I guess Alex escaped again and will live another day…