Hang around Google Plus for any length of time and you are bound to run into Corey Miller, at least I did. The current podcast episode is about someone who has been surrounded by loss, who could have gone in many destructive directions. And yet, he has a positive mindset or inspirational message you definitely need to hear.

Corey logo

Corey Miller is someone who could be called an “old soul” and you instantly get that impression as you listen to him describe his life or view one of his Google Plus posts. There is warmth and inspiration well beyond his young age that draws you to him and makes you want to hear more.

His interview was one of the most interesting I’ve done because some people wear their pains and sorrows for all to see or hear. Perhaps it’s a guy thing but Corey slowly opens up about the life changes that have affected his young life and you rapidly get a picture of someone surrounded by loss: the loss of two brothers, one to leukemia and another to asthma followed by the death of his mother. Some people who experience these types of Corey Millerlife events turn destructive and tell themselves they have to grab as much of life as possible. Corey, on the other hand seems to have embraced living in the moment while passing along many of those pleasant moments to others.

Others seem to sense that about him because he has a large following on a number of platforms including Google Plus. I call him a “Life DJ” because he uses images, quotes, and music from different eras and genres to craft a message that is inspiring while also entertaining. I think this is what a good number of people respond to.

I smile at the mental image I pulled up during the interview as he describes listening to his father’s music group at a young age. I could see a young boy listening to his father practice with eyes wide and ears open to tone and tune. We’re never completely aware of how things shape us because mostly they are buried in that treasure chest we call our mind. Corey’s chest is quite full as you hear him describe how he enjoys groups from The Police, Phil Collins, Rap, classical, to World Music and blends them all into his message.

That message is we are only given a short time on this earth and respecting yourself, no matter your past deeds, is the first step in appreciating the time you are given. It sounds simple but is a deep message many need to hear to work on developing a life changing attitude. And, he does it in such a way it does not seem preachy but simply one person talking to another about what he has seen or experienced.

Give the podcast a listen and prepare yourself to hear a message that will make you want to be a better you today and probably for the weeks that follow. Understanding loss and rebirth tends to do that to you…

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