Social Media is not about using a scatter gun approach but more building relationships that help people want to buy your product. The current podcast walks you through six points that can make your contacts more meaningful to your audience.

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I really enjoy social media and have met some great people since I actively started using all the different platforms. I’ve indicated in the past that I was a stockbroker for 11 years and that involves selling or influencing people. In order to be successful at it you have to understand the business cycle and then why people decide to buy. With that as a history, you can understand my frustration when I receive countless look at this or like that with no consideration given to what would drive me to pay attention. And so, in this episode I’ve decided to provide a 6 key points about how social media can be used to influence a sales decision.

1. Develop trust or create influence
People buy from people they like or trust. You may need to hold back before attempting to sell something until those two items have been created.

2. Listening is one of the most powerful forms of influence.
Everyone wants to feel that they have been heard. Listening is half the battle in selling.

3. Features are not benefits and a product is just that, a product.
Telling me about something does not tell me why I need it.

4. Solve a problem before selling a solution.
This relates to number 3 in that you need to know what moves me or what problem I have before you offer to solve it.

5. Find a means to get as personal or as close to personal as possible.
Social media is still talking through an instrument. The more human element you are able to add to the interaction the better your prospect will feel.

6. A little personality goes a long way.
Doing something that lets your personality shine through builds trust and likability to make you stand out from the crowd. Doing what everyone else is doing doesn’t make you stand out.

The podcast highlights in greater detail the points listed above, and tells you how developing a relationship is better than sending constant tweets and updates in the hope that MAYBE your audience will like what you have to offer. Your audience has desires and busy lives, anything you can do to let them know you are there to help them and what you are offering truly does what you say it does will be welcomed with open arms.

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