Zhivi Williams started out like a lot of women who wanted to lose weight and regain their shape after having a baby. What she discovered, however, was that her journey would turn into something much more. The current podcast allows her to tell her story.

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It is a story that on the surface you hear quite often: Woman has a baby and wants to get back in shape. Nothing unusual there. But as you listen to Zhivi Williams describe what started out as a series of chance decisions, first to workout with Tiffany Ross’ videos, and then to follow the meal plan she advised, you begin to understand how this could turn into a situation where her life would begin to change and change dramatically.

Like anything that first draws you in, Zhivi became a convert after deciding to try the meal plan for “one month and just see what happens” and then losing 23 lbs. That rapid weight loss caused her to begin to look at how she had been a fast food junkie and the effects it had on her body. She has the sound of a happy evangelist as she says Zhivi Williams“once I looked at how often I had eaten fast food, I realized what I was doing was not a diet but how I planned to eat for the rest of my life.”

Hers is also a tale of not only overcoming the challenge of weight and body image but also how the people around you grow accustomed to seeing you one way and lovingly resist the changes you are trying to make. I say lovingly because that group for her included her husband, coworkers, and even friends. You will be surprised and smile at the way she provided push back to continue on to her goal.

She makes an excellent point on why you need a support system and how to set one up through of all places social media. I was really inspired by the message that the journey made her a walking billboard for a healthy lifestyle because she was not a celebrity but an ordinary someone you might know from work or run into at the supermarket. And, if she could do it you could do it as well.

This episode is more than worth a listen because it is a perfect example of the coactive dreams process of ordinary people doing very extra ordinary things by first imagining a goal, and then working step by step to bring that goal into reality. Listen to Zhivi and your life will never be quite the same.

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