I read a wonderful post by another blogger the other day that really made me smile. The blog is “I can do it!” What made me smile was his discussion of the early days of the PC’s and the internet and how it related to his life. Reading it took me down memory lane and made me think about how my own life has revolved around my computer. I take it from the female perspective in that some women view life from a list of loves and kisses and mine seems to have revolved around a love of computers.

IBM Clone
My first computer was an IBM clone sold through Radio Shack that I thought was amazing! I could install names and information in a program and it would keep track and allow me to mass mail them information. Talk about first kiss. Every time I used it I almost felt lightheaded with all the things I was able to do. I kept that computer forever because it was my first love.

Computer Tower and Internet

And then came this thing called the internet and I needed to upgrade. I had a tower configured for me with what at the time seemed like an unbelievable amount of memory – 2 gigabytes. The new love came with a modem (remember listening to the squeal as you logged on through the phone?) that allowed me to reach out to others in ways I had never imagined. Life was good except when I got kicked off right in the middle of something and had to reboot. Aaaaah!! Love hurts…

Me, a Geek…!

And, I learned something about myself… I liked geeks and geeks liked me. I guess you could say I was a baby geek because I didn’t know enough to be full fledged. The computer for me was (and still is) a tool. I didn’t need to know the dark mysteries behind the code (I leave that to software engineer Alex), just how to do the things I want to do. So…baby geek. This love affair lasted a long time. It was passionate and comfortable.

The lover laptop

But then a new character started to vie for my attention. It was the laptop. It promised me I could work on the fly, something my old love could not do. I’ll admit it; I was lured away because the new love could go with me anywhere and by now size mattered, and this guy offered 40 gigabytes. There was no contest and my old love seemed slow and limited.

I guess once you allow yourself to be seduced, you will be seduced again. My head was turned by the Sony Vaio notebook. It did everything and talk about size! I was seduced and seduced again when the first one was struck by lightening after I moved to Florida and had to upgrade. This love affair continues today only now there is 250 gig of memory to work with. But every now and then I will admit I do find my eye wandering. Maybe there is something better out there…

And so Authelycs (I can do it!) see what made me smile…?