Having been a blogger for quite awhile, using a podcast as a blog I thought would be a breeze; until I actually started doing it. All kinds of dream killing adjustments enter into the mix with a change in platform while you work to get your message out and stay on your feet.

confessions 3

Podcasting is by far a male domain as there are untold podcasts discussing sports or sport stats, so for a female looking to produce content other than info for stay at home moms it can be an uphill battle. When setting up your podcast one of the first things that you experience is comparing your feed to other broadcasters you may have heard. Self Mic 001-Bdoubt begins to creep in along with sticking with a schedule and guests for a regular broadcast.

This podcast is dedicated to all those people male and female who might be considering doing a podcast and a confession of some of the adjustments you will have to make along the way to make the platform your own.

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