While Leaning In… Speak up!

Knowing your worth has a lot to do with the word negotiation. The current podcast episode looks at why it’s important to the female wage rate. Despite some of my reservations regarding Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” she does have a point, up to a point. I was... read more

The “Life DJ” Corey Miller

Hang around Google Plus for any length of time and you are bound to run into Corey Miller, at least I did. The current podcast episode is about someone who has been surrounded by loss, who could have gone in many destructive directions. And yet, he has a positive... read more

Almost Daily Inspiration

Late night thoughts pop up to make us question things about ourselves that really aren’t true. Accept that a late night thought is just that, a thought and you are never as bad as the thoughts may suggest. Place it away and see how it looks the next day under... read more

Can a Business Owner Lose Themselves online?

Social media is a powerful draw for any business owner looking to showcase their business online, but what happens when your message is overwhelmed by all the do’s and don’t s that it is no longer YOU? In the current podcast episode Dre Beltrami tells you... read more

Almost Daily Inspiration

Success comes not from regrets but constantly improving We have all encountered situations that didn’t work out like we planned. Mourn the losses when you can and make certain to ask yourself why they occurred because that understanding will prepare you for... read more

Advice Two Years After Building a Tiny House

Macy Miller is someone at the forefront of the tiny house movement. Two years out she tells you what she’s learned about planning and building a tiny house. It’s not as simple as you thought but according to her, in the current podcast episode, a little... read more

Time Off – Helping Yourself and Your Employer

This week’s podcast episode is my attempt at walking the walk of stress reduction. I do work stress seminars all the time and attempt to talk about more than the usual take a deep breath idea that people no longer pay attention to. But then, I noticed I needed to... read more

Avoiding Small Business Mistakes

A friend asked me to sit down with him and his partner to analyze their business. With so many people starting businesses the current podcast looks at how their experience might help others avoid several common mistakes.... read more

Procrastination Maybe More About Fear

Mention procrastination and you hear about time management or prioritizing and they are part of the behavior. But, deep down behind those two is a secret sense of fear. http://traffic.libsyn.com/imagineradio/Procrastination_Maybe_More_About_Fear.mp3 Procrastination is... read more

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